Your money could be worth more than you think, thanks to eight tiny numbers.Most people don't even notice the serial number printed on their dollars. But currency collectors do—and some are willing to pay big bucks for an especially unusual number.' Fancy' serial numbers can go for tens of thousands of dollars-depending on how rare the combination is.' If you look at a dollar bill, the number can just jump out at you,' Dave Undis, founder of, a website that buys, sells and trades fancy serial numbers, told The Boston Globe. 'You see something like a super radar, and your head says you just gotta have it.'

Canadian 100 Bill Serial Numbers 2009a


Canadian 100 Bill Serial Numbers Worth Money

These Specific $1 Bills Might Actually Be Worth Hundreds Or Thousands Of Dollars. For $1 bills with specific serial numbers. First bill with the serial number.

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Canadian Money Tracker:: Notes:: Counterfeit Check  Not logged in. Text Size:    Search:The database contains 2,953,429 notes totalling $ 43,000,703.Site TravelsUsersnoneNotesnoneMessagesForum:Private:Events:UsersOnline:Friends:Chat:AdvertisementsCounterfeit CheckTo help enhance note tracking, Canadian Money Tracker maintains a list ofbank note serial numbers that are known to have been used to producecounterfeit notes.WARNING: Use this page at your own risk. This page should NOT be usedas your only means of detecting counterfeit bank notes. You should alwayscheck for thefound on legal Canadian bank notes, as detailed on the Bank of Canada.We make no guarantees that we will always have all the counterfeit serialnumbers or even the right serial numbers.To check to see a serial number is in our list of counterfeit notes, enterit below and press the 'Check' button.Unless otherwise noted, all content on this site is copyright © Ensure you agree to theand thebeforeusing this site. If you have questions about privacy, read the.


Theand should be useful if you're new. For all otherquestions,.