Free PDF caddx nx 8 program manual Edgar Rice Burroughs Publishing File ID 9b25905 Creator: Serif PagePlus for further details on how to program these if your ge caddx security panel is set to its default settings press 8 9 7 1 3 7 2 for nx 8 6 4 or 8 9 7 1 3 0 for.
How To Guide Template
Caddx NX-8 v1 Program Sheet GE Caddx NX-8/SecurityPro 800 v1 Program Sheet Click HERE for Programming KeysA = 10 B = 11 C = 12 D = 13 E = 14 F = 15Power Ratings 500mA if using 25VA Transformer. A if using 40VA or 50VA Transformer250mA Smoke Detector power.
A Siren output. Way Voice Info Generates 'Listen-in to Follow' only with SIA format and timer in field 40 is set to anything other than 0Download Callback. 98 # = panel calls download computer (User Code after may be required)Download Answer. 99 # = panel picks up while phone ringing (User Code after may be required)Enter Program 1. Press. + 82.
9713 (default)or971300 if 6-digit option is enabled. 0 + #Move to Location Location + #Enter Data Enter data +. which saves and moves to next digit within location, # exits at any timeExample: To change Receiver Phone 1. Press 0 + # (Moves to location 0). Enter 15 +.
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(Enters an F which selects Touch Tone dialing). Enter 1. 8. 0.
0. etc (End Phone Number with 14 +.
How To Manual Examples
). Press # to exit location (Moves back to start of programming)Exit Program 1. Press # to exit any program location2. Press EXIT key twiceNote: Panel may blip the siren for 1 secondFactory Default 910 # while in programming (Last resort)Enroll Modules All modules enroll while exiting programmingKeypad Address0# Receiver Number 1 (20 Digits) I F I 1 I 8 I ? I E I11 (B) =.(Program as 15. 1.
8. 0. 0. then 14. # to end) 12 (C) = #13 (D) = 4 Second Pause(Don't use 10's for 0's) 14 (E) = End of Number15 (F) = Touch Tone. Account Number (6 digits) I ?