
Oxycube For S40


Of course,most of the usersthink that modifying (popular asmodding) a java applicationrequires special skills, javaprogram language or somethinglike that.Yes, you need that tomodify the entire program. But,we only are in need ofmodifying applications to makethem work on our networks.Soit does'nt require any skills in java.All youneed is this:CLASS TOOLSThis zip pack contains twoapplications,1. Class Edithor2. Class TranslatorHere I haveconcentrated only onmodding server.Class edithor is an applicationthat opens a file in text mode sothat you could edit its textvalues as well as hex values.Class translator allows you onlyto edit the text values of classfiles so that the risk ofmodifying the java strings isless. HIDESo in order to edit yourapplication, you need to haveyour.jar application renamedto.zip format.For s40phones,this could be done if youdownload any.jar file via UCWEBor if it is an attachment, it willbe downloaded in.php or.extextension.

OxyCube - Manage phones and smartphones with OxyCube to get more functions and nicer controls than with PC Suite. Easily connect devices and smoothly manage their content on PC using a well-organized interface. OxyCube - the compelling replacement of PC Suite.

Simply rename theextension to.zip. Now you areready with the 2 apps as well asthe zip renamed file ofapplication which you want tomodify. Now i will take anexample of opera mini 4.2because its quite simple to mod.1.Use BlueFTP or any othersimilar software to extract allthe class files of the zip renamedfile to a folder of any name.2.The server of opera mini ispresent in a.class file(It is inau.class or aw.class or evenax.class for UCWEB. It dependson version).For otherapplications you have to knowthat which file contains theserver.To know this open eachclass file with class edithor andpress 9. Search for texthttp.Press # if you want to seethe next search. Note that theevery file which contains it maynot be a server.For example, itmay be a preloaded bookmark ifthe application is a webbrowser. Look and decide thatwhich one will be a server.Nowyou will get to know that whichclass file contains the server ofthat application.

Oxycube For S40

So open thatclass file with class editor orclass translator. Class translatoris preferred because it onlydisplays text strings. If youopen it via class edithor press 9.You will get a search menu.3.Enter http as search value intext box. It will display allthe matches. Find it until you getto position where youwant to insert your trick.

For eg.if you are a reliance user go toposition justafter.er4.operamini.com:80/. Itmeans add your trick just like asyou added in a handler modapplication.5.Then press 5. Select text andadd your trick, (?id=jCustomerWAPProv). Finallysave your file.6.If you open the class file viaclass translator, observe that alltext strings are arranged inalphabetical order. So the serverlies with h as it starts with http.So scroll down until you get theserver and add your trick.

Download Oxycube For S40

Thensave that file.7.Be careful because if you donot operate correctly with classtranslator it leaves a.bak filewith same name. If so, delete it.8.Finally you are left with afolder containing class filesalong with a server moddedclass file.

Select all of them andcompress it to zip format byusing blueftp or similarapplication.s40 users need tocontinue by renaming thezipped file. For example, if youhave compressed class files asmini.zip then rename it to minijar by blueftp. Scroll to this filevia your phone's gallery andselect options, rename, andchange to. I.e, minijar tomini.jar.

Note that s40 userscould do this only by theirphone's gallery. But other phonesystem users could rename.zipto.jar directly by blueftp./HIDE9.Finally the.jar renamedapplication will be recognized byyour phone and run theapplication. If everything isperfect and if you have addedyour trick correctly, it will work.Then enjoy the applicationmodded by yourself.Yourqueries, suggestions andproblems are always welcome.

I would like to give a short description about changing sounds in a phone using PPModd.Start PPModd.exe and select the PPM file, you are going to modifyIn this file, expand PPM tree and go to TONE.You'll see a list of sounds, expand it.Then right click on the sound that you want (eg the Nokia tune) and select Import from Binary.Your new sound will automatically substitute the old one.If the sound is correctly entered, you can replace the other sounds in the same way.When you have finished save your PPM PPM by clicking on Create, and then upload to your phone. Tools Required:. Nemesis Service suite (NSS). Nokia PC Suite.

Data cableInstall NSS AND NOKIA PC SUITESteps:1. Connect your phone in PC Suite mode (DON'T RUN PC SUITE or EXIT PC SUITE IF IT IS STILL RUNNING)hide2. Open Nemesis Service suite (NSS)3. Then click on scan for new devices button (top right-hand side)4.

Click on phone info button.5. Now Click on Scan.6. Select Permanent Memory.7. Click on Read.8. It will read the permanent memory file and save it on the disk at following path.:Program FilesNSSBackuppm.pm.


Hey guys, most of you must not be aware of hidden features of Nokia phones. There are many upto 200 features that can be activated.Most cool features are:1.

Orange Home Screen2. Disable Nokia security wall3.

My Files option in main menu4. Chat option in main menu5. Disable multimedia features.You will need:1. '.ppu' file from the firmware package.2.

'.pp' file from the phone(use JAF or Phoenix)3. JAF or Phoenix.Main Tutorial:1. Open the.ppu &.pp file in notepad or better in notepad.2. On examining.ppu carefully you will found several features listed serial wise,also if you examine.pp file you will find the list of numbers having values between 0-1(sometimes more than one,if the feature have more than one option,for more just see the.ppu file)3.

Generally 0 is used to deactivate a feature & 1 is used to activate.4. Just activate you desired features & upload the.pp file to phone.Enjoy!!!NOTE: For best results use Phoenix. This is a amazing trick to change music player, Radio,and equilizer in of your s40v5You'll need-OXYCUBE phone manager,download & and install it.-A s40v5 phone like(3120c,7210supernova.)-Skins in '.nfl' or '.swf' format (in latest s40v5 phones.nfl will work but in older s40v5.swf will work)Now lets begin1. Download and install OXYCUBE.2.Now open oxycube & Connect your phone using data cable.3.Now go to file browser in Oxycube and click on 'C:/' (phone memory)and search for C:/predefhidden and & in the hidden folder u'll find 'media player', 'fmradio' & 'equilizer' just copy the respective files.

DONE!!!Now just try to change the theme!!!ENJOY Whole new look of your music player:-).

Oxycube For Nokia S40

First download from here then connect your phone, download skins and copy the files to folders:C:HiddenfolderMediaplayerC:HiddenfolderEqualizerC:HiddenfolderFmradioaccess hidden system folders with OXYCUBEfmr = Fmradio of phoneeql = Equalizer of phonempl = Mediaplayer of the phoneEnclosed beside the Nokia phone model is the compatible file format of the theme.Nokia s40v5 uses SWFNokia s40v6 uses NFL5310xm (.swf)5610xm (.swf)6500c (.swf)3600slide (.swf)5220xm (.nfl)7210sn (.nfl)7310sn (.nfl)7510sn (.nfl)7610sn (.nfl)6303c (.nfl)5130xm (.nfl).